Sunday, December 20, 2009

I Hate YES

I woke up pretty early today. 10am. It was kinda early for a sunday. Lol. Went to Jaya Palace for lunch brunch with family members to celebrate grandma's birthday. All of us were so ambitious we practically ordered almost everything from the dim sum menu. In the end, we ended up forcing each other to eat! Haha.

After that, I went MV with my bro. I was supposed to get one thing then head home to rest up after that tiring friday. (went hiking in the effing early morning, then a long friday night out!)  Instead, i ended up shopping AGAIN!! And its not a small amount! I basically spent my one whole month of salary in just 3 hours time!! OMFG!!

I'm outta control. Lol. I hate YES (Year End Sale)!! I'm so effing broke now!! Can CNY come early next year please??... Haha.

Anyways, christmas and new year are just around the corner. Merry Xmas & Happy New Year Everyone!!


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