Sunday, September 12, 2010

the reason

*counting with fingers*
I've not been hitting the gym for 3 weeks now. Hence the bloated tummy. The reason?? Its not because that i'm lazy. Well not totally. Heh. I was scheduled for a surgery last wednesday. That was why.

What surgery? Well...ain't gonna announce to the world here. But no worries, it was medium-risked, and i'm all good now. (duh! if not i won't be writing this here now)  The fact that i need to undergo full anaesthesia, that was the scariest part for me coz i was so paranoid. I was afraid I'd experience "Awake" ala Hayden Christensen in the same-titled movie - the one starring Jessica Alba too.

The feeling of being pushed to the operating theatre was exactly how they portrayed in movies / drama series. The sight of lights on the ceiling...the sounds emitted from the EKG hand being IV-prepared... wearing the robe (stark naked underneath)...the cold air... Hmmmm.

To be honest, the moments spent being on the 'bed', being pushed from my ward to the operating theatre was haunting. I almost teared. Luckily i didn't. Coz I believe, if i did, it would not stop. Haha. Thank goodness I managed to stay strong and held back my tears.

Anyways, thank you Dr S (the one who performed the surgery) and Dr R (the anaesthesiologist) for the constant assurance that everything will be alright. =)  I was surprised at my fast recovery despite feeling very drowsy when i first got out of the operating theatre, sleeping so many hours on and off.

Hehe. I still of the nurses was telling me (when she put a gas mask over my face).. "if you feel like sleeping, just go ahead..". And.... Poof.... next thing i know.. I've passed out. The moment i woke up, i was so blur. I wasn't even sure if the procedure has been carried out. I wanted to ask the nurse standing next to my bed..."It's done??".. Haha. Luckily i didn't. I would have looked / sounded so silly. Finally got a confirmation when i felt a slight pain. Lol.

And thank god the hospital has all my favourite channels on tv. I spent my time there watching premier league and tennis us open. And also a couple of movies like X-Men Origin, Rush Hour and Surrogates. I just realized i did not lose any weight at all for being sick. In fact i put on weight! Damn. I guess its because all i did was eat and sleep. Hence the extra kilos. Sigh. Gotta hit the gym soon!!

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